Wednesday, June 18, 2008

George Michael... what?

So I found myself at the Sports Arena last night watching George Michael's concert. My friend received free tickets and needed people to go with. Very random... so I decided to go.

I have to say, I really do not consider myself a George Michael fan by any means, but I had a good time. It was like going to a giant European, gay nightclub with all of the dancing, sparkles and day-glo. Not unlike going to a Las Vegas show: a giant production all the way. No opening act, a countdown clock for intermission, and no encore (at least not that I know of). The whole show lacked any spontaneity, kind of like going to a play or a musical. The last concert that I went to like this was my very first concert... Bette Midler. Yeah, at 12 years old, I loved her.

The staging and lighting was incredible. Three screens, the middle of which rolled out like parchment down the front of the stage. George Michael stood or sat on a stool on top of the middle "screen". The backup band was hidden away just barely peeking out from behind the screens on three tiers, odd. The screens showed incredible lighting displays including sunsets and scenic landscapes, psychodelic displays, old WHAM! videos, and my favorite, a sexy Dita VonTease performing in a giant martini glass. If you can't get them to travel with you, might as well coordinate a video. Nice touch.

The show finished promptly at 11 p.m. Allowing me to get to bed at a reasonable time. Not bad!

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