Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top Ten Songs of 2009

So I feel a little bad for no doing my top ten list 12 hours before the end of the decade, but really, no time. Anyhow, I have thought about it... a lot. I've done my homework and realized that I can't sufficiently give my top ten albums of 2009 (and the top ten of the decade is just unrealistically mind-blowing).

"What?!", you say... To my defense, I barely bought ten albums in the last year. Mostly of my listening time has been spent with podcasts or radio. I don't feel that I could give a list that covers what should be the top of the year. But since I have been listening to some music this year, I do feel I can give to you my top ten songs of the year.  So here they are:

10. Fiction Family "When She's Near" - Bringing me into the new year... This song is like a warm fire in my soul. Yes, I mean it. I can imagine curling up on the couch next to a warm fire in the hearth on a cold winter day. Now, how's that for a song description?

9. Phoenix "1901" - I have yet to get tired of this song. So sad to have missed them at the FM94.9 Holiday Hootenanny earlier this month. I heard they blew everyone away.

8. Metric "Twilight Galaxy" - Although "Help I'm Alive" was the hit off the Fantasies album released this year, I fell in love with the lyrics and melodies of this song. "I'm higher than high, lower than deep."

7. Owl City "Fireflies" - I can't resist. As much as people have a love/hate feeling toward this band, I have fallen in love with this song just as much as I love Death Cab and Postal Service. Cute video too.

6. Company of Thieves "Oscar Wilde" - I think I fell in love with this song after Thomas was born and as my grandfather's health was fading. My recognition that time is a precious thing connected me to this song instantly. "Time keeps on ticking away, always running away, always running from time."

5. Fanfarlo "The Wall Are Coming Down" - Beautifully organic. I originally heard it on the Paste Magazine Sampler #55. I love every small xylophone tap, trumpet blow and violin pluck. I was lucky to have gotten a chance to see them as they rolled through town at the Casbah earlier this month.

4. Harlem Shakes "Sunlight" - This song was also on the Paste Magazine Sampler #55, good solid mix. Similar to Langhorne Slim but more upbeat and dancy. Love.

3. Pearl Jam "Just Breathe" - Favorite radio play of the year. Listening to this song grounds me. It makes me introspective and start thinking about those that I love. One of the DJ's  from FM94.9 stated that it sounds like it should be on the "Where the Wild Things Are" soundtrack. I totally agree.

2. Flaming Lips "I Can Be A Frog" - I love this. Karen O. on the other other end of the line making the craziest animal sounds. I would love to know how this song came to be. Ultra silly and fun.

1. Jonathan Coulton "Blue Sunny Day" - I heard this song as the intro to Kevin Smith's and Scott Mosier's Smodcast a few months back. I new that I had to get it and you should too (here). It is the first time that I have bought just a song. Though if it was available on an album, I would have bought it. Super catchy. Somewhere between Ben Folds and Brian Wilson. Listen to the lyrics. It is about a vampire about to die. Awesome. PS... Ignore the cheesy video.

And with that I leave you to enjoy your new year!

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